Kent Community Service and Outreach
The Community Outreach program at Kent Middle School encourages all students to participate in, learn from, and enjoy activities that aim to help someone or something, outside the Kentfield School District, in the local or wider community. Community Outreach supports Kent Middle School's commitment to Code Red and helps further develop a sense of public purpose and community.
What is Community Outreach at Kent?
Community Outreach projects include events, activities and projects aiming to help someone or something outside the Kentfield School District. Projects may focus on helping people, animals, wildlife and/or the environment.
Although paid work, household chores, babysitting and participating in school functions that raise money for our own school community are all valuable, these are not considered Community Outreach.
How do I get involved?
- Join in with projects and drives available at Kent. They are listed on below or posted on the Community Outreach board in Room 34.
- Check out the Local Volunteer Opportunities page on this website section for a list of community organizations with youth and family volunteer opportunities.
- Do a weekend or at-home Community Outreach project you design to help other individuals or a cause.
What is the Community Outreach Commitment?
Each school year, the following hours are necessary to complete the recommended grade level commitment:
- 5th Graders- 5 hours
- 6th Graders- 6 hours
- 7th Graders- 7 hours
- 8th Graders- 10 hours (8th Grade Social Action Project)
How do I record completed hours?
All 5th -7th grade students submit completed hours forms to receive credit for their Community Outreach hours. These forms are available in the school office, the student activities room (Room 34) or can be downloaded here.
Please return all completed forms by due date at the school year's end. Due dates are listed in the Kent office as well as in the Falcon Facts each year. If a student completes their yearly hours an additional 50 points are allocated to their House!
Please send any questions or suggestions to communityoutreach@kentfieldschools.org.
Community Outreach Opportunities at Kent:
- Kent students can get volunteer hour credit at the kik Family Fun Day in September.
Laurel Dell Tutoring
Marin County School Volunteer’s after school Community Outreach program open to interested and committed 5th and 6th grade students at Kent Middle School. The Kent students provide one on one or small group tutoring for 1st graders at Laurel Dell Elementary School. Laurel Dell Elementary is a multicultural school in San Rafael. Each team of 6 students will tutor at Laurel Dell once a week, for an hour after school, for 5 consecutive weeks. Parents are requested to help carpool. There are limited available spots and this fills up quickly, so please email right away if interested.
- For more information: communityoutreach@kentfieldschools.org.
Laurel Dell Kent Clubs
Kent Clubs is an after school Community Outreach opportunity open to interested and committed 7th grade students at Kent Middle School. The Kent students lead themed after school clubs for grade school children at Laurel Dell Elementary School. Laurel Dell Elementary is a multicultural school in San Rafael. Past club themes have included sports, art, games, music, and Spanish. The Kent Clubs are held once a month at Laurel Dell. Kent students meet once a month during lunch to plan the upcoming clubs. Parents are requested to help carpool. The initial planning meeting for 7th graders will be posted in the Falcon Facts and bulletin in the fall of each school year.
Laurel Dell volunteer opportunity programs at Kent Middle School are shared in part by our districts' elementary school Bacich Elementary School. The Bacich School Supply Kit program donates a percentage of their profit to the Laurel Dell volunteer opportunities at Kent. The Bacich student council explains the Laurel Dell program to the elementary student body, informing them of the wonderful volunteer opportunities that they help support, initially financially, and eventually with their time when they move to middle school and take part themselves.
- For more information: communityoutreach@kentfieldschools.org.
Community Drives and Projects
Kent student activities and Student Council supports and promotes several drives and community projects throughout the school year. Students are encouraged to get involved and help with the Coastal Cleanup Day (September), the Book Drive (October) and the Pennies for Patients (spring). More information will be available on these and other projects on this website and in the Falcon Fax prior to the event.
Community Outreach Fair
Kent Middle School hosts an annual Community Outreach Fair. Local non-profits attend and share information about their work and the opportunities available for youth volunteers.
Seventh grade students attend the fair during one of their class periods during the school day to help them formulate ideas for their upcoming 8th grade social action project. All Kent students take advantage of this opportunity to see how they can help give back to their community.
Details for students will be available in the Kent Daily Bulletin.
If your community organization is interested in participating in the Community Outreach Fair, please contact the Kent Office at (415) 458-5970.