- Board Policies for Personnel
- Kentfieldschools.org Gmail Portal
- AESOP - Absence Management System
- District Staff Directory (PRIVATE) - This directory is for INTERNAL USE ONLY, and is accessible only by District Staff Members.
- HR Benefits - Links to CalSTRS and other employee benefit programs.
- ESS - Pay Stubs and W2
- LiveBinder - Find, view, and download important documents.
- ed1stop Login - Contact Rebecca Jelen for login information.
- Technology Resources for Kentfield Teachers
- Marin Teacher Talk - Lesson plans and ideas.
- Marin County Office of Education Professional Development Workshops
- Aeries login
- Kent Binder Hospital - Book an appointment for a student.
- English Learners Resources - English Learner Resources
Tech Support Requests
- Complete a ticket by logging into the Web Help Desk or email to helpdesk@kentfieldschools.org