Kent Student Registration
Welcome to Adaline E. Kent Middle School in the Kentfield School District!
Before you begin the registration process, please confirm that your property is within Kentfield School District boundaries, by finding your address on our District Boundary Address List.
Interested in visiting Kent Middle School?
Due to COVID-19 precautions, all school tours have been cancelled for the remainder of this school year.
Incoming 7th Graders/Current 6th Graders
- Tdap vaccine proof is required for incoming 7th graders
Your child will need to provide proof that he/she has received the Tdap vaccine as a requirement for entrance to seventh grade. This Tdap booster is an additional requirement to the five doses of DTaP that were needed for Kindergarten. It is important to note that students who do not provide an updated proof of immunizations will be unable to register for classes.
Student Registration Instructions
Please visit the Kentfield School District Student Registration page for complete instructions on registering a student in the District.