Supplies & PE Uniforms
Recommended school supplies for Kent students can be found through these 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade links. Families may choose to purchase these items on their own, some families have pre-ordered through the KSPTA, and the school is able to provide supplies for children that need them.
Physical Education uniforms will be available to purchase from T&B Sports at Back to School Night night on August 31. The required PE uniforms for all grades, and other Kent apparel, will be available for purchase. If you are unable to attend Back to School Night, you may purchase the uniform at the T&B Sports store in San Rafael (after 8/31) or online at www.tandbsports.com. Please note the uniforms will not be available for purchase at the store until after Back-to-School night. Please contact Jody Gustke if you need the school to provide a PE uniform for your child.
Student Schedules - Student schedules may be accessed through the Aeries Family Portal starting on Tuesday, August 22 at 3:30 p.m. To access your student’s schedule simply log in to Aeries and click on the ‘Classes’ tab. 5th grade students will receive their schedules as a part of their orientation on August 23, and 6th through 8th grade students will receive a paper copy of their schedule as a part of their first period class on Thursday, August 24. If students are not able to access their schedule for any reason, please know that staff members will be across campus before the beginning of school on the first day to ensure that each student can find their first period class. Please note, we are actively building and adjusting schedules from now until August 22; please disregard any draft schedule that students may have seen in Aeries up until this point.
You received a Parent Square email from our data director, Jim Bowlby, on August 1st. You will need to complete the data confirmation process outlined in his email in order to access student schedule information. If you have any questions about the data confirmation process, please send an email to data@kentfieldschools.org.
Academic and Physical Education (PE) Lockers - 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students will be assigned an academic locker, and a PE locker. 5th grade students will use backpack hooks outside of their classrooms. School combination locks are provided on academic lockers and must remain with each assigned academic locker. Students must use their school-assigned lock and may not exchange locks or remove locks. To find the number of the academic locker for your 6th, 7th, or 8th grader, starting on Monday, August 22 at 4 p.m. you can navigate to the Aeries Parent Portal, click ‘Student Info’ and click ‘Demographics’. The locker number will be on the Demographics page under ‘Locker Number’. To find the locker combination for your assigned locker navigate to the Aeries Parent Portal, click ‘Student Info’ then click ‘Supplemental’. The locker combination will be on the Supplemental page under ‘Locker Combination’. Here is video tutorial of how to open a combination lock, and here is a pdf direction template that students can use to practice. For students who may struggle to open a traditional dial lock, accommodations may be made in the front office to turn in the school-issued lock and utilize a personal lock. Please have your child contact Jody Gustke to arrange to use an alternate lock. 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students must bring their own lock for their PE locker.
Technology Distribution - For the 2023-24 school year Kent Middle School will continue to employ a ‘One to One’ technology plan to ensure that students have access to a device in each of their classes and that all students will have access to a device at home. In 6th through 8th grades, students will receive a school-issued Chromebook and charger that they are expected to bring with them to each of their classes, and that may be brought home to complete homework assignments. In 5th grade, each student will be assigned a computer for use from computer towers in their two core academic classrooms, though the computer will remain in each classroom. We will distribute Chromebooks to students during our second day of school, at which time we will also review our One to One Technology Use Agreement (English / Spanish). Returning 7th graders should still have their Chromebook from their 6th grade year, and should plan to bring their device and charger to school on the second day of school. Please work together with your child to make a plan for how they will transport and charge their Chromebook each day, to ensure that they have a charged Chromebook with them every day at school.
Fall Musical at Kent - Starting this September Kent students are invited to participate in our fall theater production, the performance of musical comedy Bye Bye Birdie youth edition! This year Kentfield Invests in Kids (KIK) partners with professional actor, choreographer, and director Marissa Joy Ganz to work with our students to put on an incredible show. Auditions start September 8th and all students are invited to join the cast. More information, including rehearsal dates, show dates, and more can be found through these parent/guardian information links in English and Spanish. Registration for the fall music is open now, and accessible through this registration link! We extend our appreciation to KIK and all KIK donors for supporting theater at Kent!
Lunch and Breakfast Offerings at School - School lunch will be provided for all students who need lunch daily. Additionally, grab-and-go breakfast items like bagels, cereal, pastries, and fruit will also be available for students who need breakfast or a snack upon arrival at school. With our school district’s transition to the National School Lunch Program for the 2023-24 school year, the food vendor and distribution process will be a little different compared to last year. Food will be provided by LunchMaster, and students will need to enter their 6 digit student ID each time they retrieve food items. We request that students work to memorize their 6 digit student ID prior to the start of school, though please know that names may be entered for students who do not remember their student ID number when attempting to retrieve food. The breakfast and lunch menu for August is linked here for your reference.
Music Program - The Zero Period Music Program begins the first week of school, including our first day of school! The Band will meet Monday and Wednesday of each week from 7:45 am to 8:25 a.m. The Orchestra will meet on Tuesday and Thursday of each week from 7:45 am to 8:25 a.m. Students should have two years of experience or study privately on their chosen instrument. The Choir will meet on Fridays from 7:45 to 8:25 a.m. All students who are interested in singing in a large vocal ensemble are welcome. If you have any questions or for more information please email Kent Music Director Mr. Martinez.
Parking Lot and Bike Parking - Please make a plan with your child for how they will get to and from school each day. For students who bike to school, 5th and 6th graders must park their bikes in the bike cage behind Room 8, while 7th and 8th graders must park their bikes on the bike racks between Room 28 and the Gymnasium. For parents who drop students off at school, drivers must please drive all the way down the driveway and drop students of all grades in front of the Gymnasium (not in front of the office), to reduce back up in the driveway and College Ave., and avoid potentially unsafe conditions for cars, bikes, and pedestrians. Thank you for ensuring that your child understands these expectations. Linked here is a map of our school for your reference.
Information and Resources
- Homeless and Foster Youth McKinney-Vento Act - Support, information, and resources for homeless and foster youth. The McKinney-Vento Act defines homeless children and youths as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
Involvement Opportunities
Vaccination Verification for Volunteers:
All volunteers working with students must be vaccinated. In order to begin collecting this information please complete this questionnaire so the KSD may proactively verify vaccination status of parent/guardian volunteers.
Home Language Survey
California Education Code, Sections 313 and 60810 contain legal requirements that direct schools to determine the language(s) spoken in the home of each student.
Getting To/From School
Important Notice for Parents Dropping Off Students in Surrounding Campus Streets
If you are choosing to drop your child off in neighborhoods surrounding Kent Middle School, please ensure that your child exits the vehicle on the right hand side and follows all traffic laws like crossing streets in crosswalks. As the driver, please ensure that you are not blocking private driveways and that you follow relevant traffic laws when you re enter the flow of traffic. Thank you for your attention to student safety in the neighborhoods around our school.

Bikes & Crosswalk Safety
Please remember that while crossing any street on bike, scooter, or skateboard students must walk their bikes across the crosswalk.
We thank our parents for reminding their children and reinforcing this important safety measure.
Please reference these tips from Safe Routes to School about bike safety.
Private School Application Requests
If your child is planning on applying to a private high school for the 2022/2023 school year, please read the important information about the process for teacher/administrative recommendations and transcript requests. The final date to have all requests for teacher recommendations and transcripts, is FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2021.
STUDENTS are responsible for completing the following steps to prepare for private high school applications:
- Go to the website of the school you are applying to, to learn their process. Most schools use a direct link for teacher/admin recommendations, transcripts and test scores. Many schools use an uploading system, such as Ravenna. If Ravenna is being used, PLEASE MAKE SURE TO SET UP AN ACCOUNT. Use AE Kent Middle School in Kentfield, CA as the school currently attending, AND LIST the SCHOOL(S) you are applying to.
- Students are to provide the following information to me, via email at: privateschoolrequests@kentfieldschools.org:
- A list of every school applying to
- Name of teachers asked to write a teacher recommendation. Most schools require a current 8th grade math and language arts teacher
- Name of the administrator asked to write recommendation. This is either, Principal, Grant Althouse, Vice Principal, Wendy Holmes, our Counselor, Heidi Longo
- A list of extracurricular activities and interests
It is the student's responsibility to send the direct link, or the link to the uploading system, to the requested staff member. All transcript, attendance and test score requests need to go through me. I will follow up with the teachers and administrator to make sure all requests have been submitted.
If there are any changes along the way, or your student decides not to apply, PLEASE let me know ASAP.
Thank you, and I look forward to helping in the private school process. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Kind Regards,
Jeanne Sellers
Administrative Assistant to the Principal
jsellers@kentfieldschools.org or privateschoolrequests@kentfieldschools.org