About Us
800 College Avenue, Kentfield, CA 94904
Telephone: (415) 458-5970 | Fax: (415) 458-5973
Attendance Reporting: (415) 458-5972
Office hours are 8:00 am to 4:00 p.m. on school days.
Please note: Some Wednesdays after 2:00 p.m., the office may be closed due to staff meetings.
Principal: Grant Althouse
Assistant Principal: Wendy Holmes
Assistant to the Principal: Jeanne Sellers
Attendance Secretary: Jody Gustke
Visiting Campus
A security fence restricts access to our campus during school hours; all visitors and volunteers must be buzzed in through the gate between the main office and the library. A visitor badge is required for all visitors and volunteers during the school day, and can be obtained in the office.
All on-campus volunteers must be vaccinated. If you are volunteering on campus working with children in any capacity, please complete the KSD’s vaccination verification process before you come to campus.
A. E. Kent Middle School is located in Kentfield, California, within the Kentfield School District. There are two schools in the Kentfield School District: Bacich Elementary (K-4), and Kent Middle School (5-8). Kent Middle School served approximately 535 students in 2020-21.
Kent Middle School is highly regarded by its parents and students, and well respected in the greater community. Our school is known for having a strong instructional program and rich offerings in the visual and performing arts, computers, and foreign language. Curriculum planning and instructional improvement are ongoing. Teachers work regularly and actively in grade level teams and curriculum groups to ensure effective instruction, to maintain high standards for student achievement, and to promote success for each individual.
A lively and varied student activities program is another strength of our school. We want our students to take responsibility for themselves and their school and to develop self-esteem through sharing in decision-making, exercising self-discipline, and appreciating work done well. Kent students meet a variety of grade-level, school-wide and community service challenges. We believe in providing opportunities for our students to gain a better understanding of and respect for the diversity that exists in our world. We expect our students to learn to improve the quality of their own lives and the lives of others.
Student achievement at Kent is frequently monitored to ensure that our students are growing academically. Kent Middle School always ranks among the highest in Marin County. Academic offerings have increased in scope while the quality of instruction remains consistently high.
Kent is proud of student achievement in math ("Mathlete" competitions), physical education (team sports, County championships), science (annual Bay Area Science Fair), language arts (speech and writing contest winners and student publications), and visual/performing arts (drama productions, art shows, band and choral concerts). Enrichments for our upper grades have included classes such as Enterprise, Maker, Film Appreciation, Journalism, Coding, Woodshop, Art, and Drama.
Parental Involvement and Support
Please read our Involvement Opportunities to discover all the ways you can contribute to making our campus a vibrant learning community.
The Kentfield Schools PTA strives to be a volunteer, communication and financial resource for the Kentfield School District. With over 200 parent volunteers who log in over 10,000 hours of volunteer work per year, the Kentfield Schools PTA supports programs such as the Performing Arts Assembly; the Be the Change Committee, Library Aides, After School Sports programs, school garden, a Music Lab and an excellent Parent Ed Lecture Series among other on-site school activities. Additionally, we provide financial support for teachers and administration so that they may have access to desired teaching tools in order to maintain the District’s high standard for learning. Please visit the KSPTA website for contact information and more details.
Kentfield Invests in Kids | kik is the fundraising arm of the Kentfield Schools Foundation. The Foundation was created to supplement the District’s budget to ensure our kids receive the best possible education regardless of how our schools are funded. Our investment is essential. kik gives enough to pay for smaller than average class sizes; specialists, classroom aides and counseling; enrichment programs: Art, Music, PE, Band/Chorus, Technology, Drama, Performing Arts, Coding, Enterprise, Expressions, Woodshop, Video Boot Camp and Library Program; and the flexibility for the District to pursue a S.T.E.A.M.– focused program! Visit the kik website to find out more about supporting kik and participating in one of their many community building activities.